henry miller library
books ornament the trees
for christmas in june
and all on the walls like
pompeii are crested in words
toni morrison wrote all over
the walls of a monument
in a norman rockwell thanksgiving
mouth full of genre, geography
of american tongues
i like eating the words like worlds
off wood plates walls coated in
chalk graffiti professing
to your greedy children
to eat their newspapers back
letters from ferlinghetti to
ginsberg look at each other
as naked blue bodies with
the feet and hands missing
books are hollow trees
like a broken ukulele is
with loose strings that have
lost their vibrations to ease
a stage for music is empty
and so are all the seats
but there’s this little group
of gentle folks, five or six
in a circle watching that production
that goes on behind closed lids
and if you look at the designs
of rubbed chalk on that doorway
for long enough maybe you
can go inside too
lookin at the words and pictures
under your feet like the footprints
of the poets and musicians
and travellers who stepped there