
it’s the lovingest day but the day of

bad feelings of regret and


and sadness

as you pick your own yellow flowers

off the tree on the side

of the road

nothing is happening to you as you

eat chocolate laced with weed

like you laced pink hearts with

paper lace

getting papercuts on your young love


give me time in a chamber

to deflower the page

and the inkiness of the road

we’re wanderin around

music vibrates against the ears when

you hum your love along it

like the sound of ends

whispering through the car and string

all tied up in the trees

on highway 17

all wound up like tangled

spider webs

i want to find out where that little side 

lane goes

in the santa cruz mountains

does it go to where Clover and the

mean cats live in watership down?

does that fingery tree go into the

horror movies with the tapes of

the families getting hung from

a fingery tree

or walk me to my friend’s deadbeat dad?

or to a happiness day

we are floating here i wonder if we

go to be with the true children

but i’m flowin down the highway

and you’ve been hiddin on the

tiny sideroads i could go down

but i don’t


temple cat


turn the volume of your lights down