material bacterial infection

in the kombucha bubbles back up the throat

i saw bursting plant cells combusting

under corporate pressure as the ropes

of rocks and hard on their knocks

bacterial infections locked eyes across

a table of lettuce leaves that looked

up from the plate as you ate with

sordid expressions and monotonous

hate disguised as liquid bigotry

and under the microscope those macro

lungs trying to breathe mountains

in swamps for want of something

to do something new in tubular

adulation sung in the most dire

consternation fluttered fossil-like

crackled like a caterpillar

emulsified itself liquid meat

inside a coconut cocoon of mind

silky soft tubes of flesh

all that's left of you to choose

to whom you pay your dues

dancin with six feet through

a secretion of knowledge said

to you and me in a wet dream

of peacock eye feathers dying

together in a fluorescent

cacophony of oil spills and

electric drills and neglected pills

by the side of your plastic plate

where everything was ate but

that one lettuce leaf, cocaine and speed

well maybe next week screaming

leaf finds relief in the compost

as germany floods and oregon fires

slam your head and slash your tires

the stump of bigotry multiplying

fungal bacteria capitol material

growing on the rotting corpse

of the lorax and me and our

chemistry that vomits itself

out of your splitting cells as

you combust in green machinery

July 2021, Washington DC




behemoth and me